
Content Writing Services&Organic SEO Services and Digital Marketing

Marketing and Organic SEO Services
Having fresh, unique content on your website is one of the most important aspects of building a strong web presence. Employing in-house content writers works for some companies, but it's not practical for everyone. That's where Content Customs comes in.

Visibility. There's likely no more important word when discussing an online presence. Whether you run an online business, promote products as an affiliate, or just want to share your message with the world, you need your website to be highly visible to the masses.
Fortunately, at Content Customs, we offer a suite of organic search engine optimization (SEO) services that are designed to bring you increased traffic that not only hears your message, but interacts with your website to lower bounce rate, increase conversions, and build the online community that you need to be successful in a digital world.
We thoroughly understand that every website has a specific set of goals in mind, and that means that no two approaches to Internet marketing services are exactly the same for each individual client.
With this in mind, we focus on long-term solutions to visibility, not short-term fixes that, more often than not, will bring you more problems than value. We don't promise "#1 search rankings in 14 days" or "thousands of visitors in 24 hours." Instead, we offer customized and detailed service packages designed to help you identify and accomplish all of your mid- to long-term marketing goals with the minimum investment.

Marketing and SEO Services

Each of our individual services are designed to achieve some tangible marketing benefit, all directed towards driving more traffic to your website. At Content Customs, we believe that every SEO service should address some aspect of internet website marketing, not attempt to up-sell services you don't need.
For example, if we find a problem with your CSS code on your website while performing an Enhanced Website Analysis, we'll be happy to fix that problem at no additional charge to you as part of the service. So in addition to recommending further actions to help bring your website more visibility, we will also make sure that we take the steps required to fully understand your website marketing goals.
Our flagship SEO service is link building. Whether you need five links or 100,000, we have the contacts and team ready to help you compete in your niche. Link building was initially a service that we offered through our content company. However, today, we are pleased to say that we have gathered enough information and enough contacts to offer link building as a standalone service under our website marketing division, all designed to provide you with the best value possible for your money. We do not purchase links from low quality sites. Instead, we gather only relevant, long-lasting, and 100% natural links back to your site. These links are designed to not only satisfy search engines, but to bring you instant traffic and conversions. You won't find us hiding your links on worthless directories, or on the sidebars of sites only created to trick search engines.
Other services available at Content Customs are designed to help you identify your marketing goals, as well as research what your competition is doing. A competitive analysis of your top competitors can show you exactly what they've done to rank well for their targeted keywords, and can give you ideas on how to bring more visibility to your own sites. Finally, services like webinar creation and social media help you break into the social network marketing trend, and grab a piece of the immense traffic growth social media sites have experienced over the past several years.

We Can Help Your Business Grow With Our Organic SEO Services

Would your site exist if Google never launched? In other words, does your website offer truly relevant information that a visitor would find valuable enough to find on their own? Or, does your website exist only to achieve high search engine rankings and sell products? At Content Customs, we believe in the power of information. Our organic SEO services are designed to enhance virtually every aspect of your website, from layout to color choices, keywords to URL structures, and much more.
We add viral content to your site that is designed to produce the natural links that search engines are looking for and are deemed appropriate for your website.In addition, we also focus on increasing your website focus and intent by actively seeking other websites, directories, etc, where your information can be promoted. With a mix of natural and targeted links and other organic SEO services, we offer an unmatched approach and dedication to providing legitimate, safe, and affordable SEO services that will help your website stand the test of time. Contact us or fill out a free quote now to get started today.

Improve your Digital marketing strategy with our hub page

Use our hub pages as a reference to get up-to-speed on all the main digital marketing techniques. They will help you quickly understand how to make the most of the technique through definitions and recommendations on our member resources and blog articles covering strategy, best practices and the latest statistics.
We believe that a digital marketing strategy is essential to take advantage of the growing opportunities from digital marketing, yet many companies don't have a digital marketing strategy!
Yet our Managing Digital marketing in 2015 research (a free download) showed that half  of companies don't yet have a planned digital marketing strategy:
Digital Marketing Strategy 2015
An integrated digital strategy will give you a foundation for all the key online marketing activities we recommend in the Smart Insights RACE digital marketing planning framework.
This page groups our key recommendations on creating a digital strategy. If you're new to Smart Insights we recommend another free download, our Digital marketing strategy template.
Step By Step In Brief 

  1. Setting Goals = Running Objective
    In marketing you are typically setting goals to achieve throughout the year. This can include the obvious grow revenue over last year or to more tactical like increase email address capture rate from the website. Whatever those goals may be, you set out to achieve those goals in the upcoming year. Just like in marketing, when running you set goals as well. I want to run a marathon or qualify for the Boston Marathon, to even more tactical ones as well like wanting to run a 5 minute mile (no idea how elite runners can keep that pace!). Having these set upfront allows you to properly plan whether it's your training schedule or marketing efforts.
  2. Budgets = Energy
    Every marketer is given a budget (now whether it is as much as they want is another topic). Budgets can be similar to your energy to complete your runs. There will be days where maybe you don't have the energy you needed or wanted but you continue to make the most of what your given to ensure you meet your partciular goals. Either way, you want to ensure you spend the budget your given so that you can make the most of your efforts. In running you want to make sure that you literally run out of energy by the end. This way you gave your best shot to hit those goals.
  3. Analytics = Body Scan
    In today's digital marketing, data points are easy to come by but it's understanding which ones to pay attention to in order to better understand what is going on and make adjustments. Visits, pageviews, conversions, clicks, and the list goes on at the metrics you can monitor. In running these can be your breathing (are your lungs burning), soreness in legs or knees, body temperature, feet (I won't mention toe nails...) and so on. Constantly monitoring these efforts over time will help you understand what is going on and what you might need to do to improve.
  4. Optimization = Speed Up or Slow Down
    As you start to learn what is going on based on your analytics insights, you can start to optimize those efforts. In marketing this is a constant fine tuning and tweaking to increase that revenue per email or cost per click. Runners do this all the time to determine if you need to slow down or speed up. Let the data inform you of what is happening, and use your insights to adjust and optimize.
  5. It takes a team
    In order to achieve great success, it takes more than just you. It's the support of the Ecommerce director, your data analyst, the content marketing manager and so on. With out them, you can't fire on all cylinders to exceed those goals and you don't have anyone to celebrate in your combined successes! Running is not for loners either. It's the support of your family and friends that can keep you motivated and are the first to be there and celebrate the goals you achieve like running your first race!

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